SBE306 Assignment 4 (VTK)

Team members:

  • 1 - 26 - Hussein Mohamed Saad AbdElHafez
  • 1 - 51 - AbdElRahman Muhsen AbdElLatif AbdElGhany
  • 2 - 27 - Mariam Magued Habib Bebawy
  • 2 - 51 - Youssef Ahmed MahmoudElSayed Shawky

To run this web app:

  1. clone this repo on your machine.
  2. run one of the following commands in this repo's directory npm start, npm run start, or yarn start.

Files in this repo:

  • data : Directory containing Head and Ankle datasets
  • public : .html main file
  • node_modules : modules used in the web-app implementation
  • src : .js and .css files
  • img : progress images
  • others : dependency files for running and loading

Features to implement:

Loading DICOM image series through load button Surface rendering with adjustable iso values Ray-Casting rendering with a fixed transfer function Interactive widget to cut volume in 3 perpendicular planes

Optional features:

Ray-Casting: adjustable transfer function Ray-Casting: shift preset

Current progress:

  • Loading DICOM image series through load button - add button - add functionality
  • Surface rendering with adjustable iso values - add slider - add functionality
  • Ray-Casting rendering with a fixed transfer function - add transfer function widget - add functionality
  • Interactive widget to cut volume in 3 perpendicular planes - add widget - add functionality

Progress documentation

not using reactjs

currently using reactjs