Teqel Masr

TeqelMasr Android Application is about establishing connections between people in heavy equipment field across Egypt's governorates. Throughout the application users have the ability to view different products and communicate with their desirable sellers to make deals (Sell / Rent). Moreover, they have the ability to choose their account type Guest, Buyer and Seller.


  • User can register using email .
  • User can choose to register as seller, buyer or to continue as a guest without registration.
  • User can view all offered products from all categories from the market.
  • User can view the spare parts category.
  • User can view the equipment category whether it is offered for sell or for rent.
  • Registered user can view the contact info of the seller of a particular product.
  • Registered user can add items to their favourite list, view and delete products from the list.
  • Registered user can view their own profile and edit their name or switch the type of their account as seller or as buyer.
  • Registered user as a seller can view their own products, edit or delete any product.
  • Registered user as a seller can offer products for sell or rent and choose the desired location for each product from the map.
  • User can filter any category according to price range and type.
  • User can search any category.


  • Android jetpack
  • Kotlin programming
  • Third parties libraries:
  • Shopify Api
  • Firebase
  • Retrofit
  • Google AdMob
  • kotlin coroutines
  • Live data
  • Glide
  • Google Maps
