
This is an implementation for a non-preemptive scheduler on ARM STM32F103xx microcontroller

Primary LanguageC


This is an implementation for a non-preemptive scheduler on ARM STM32F103xx microcontroller

How to use

  1. This scheduler is implemented using SysTick and RCC drivers in my drivers repo
    So, they should be included in the project. Also, STD_TYPES.h must be included.

  2. You can include SCHED.h in any other module, create a task as follows:

    Task t1 = { .runnable = function, .periodicTimeMS = PERIOD_IN_MS, .priority = PRIORITY };

    Note that PRIORITY should be a number between (0) and (SCHED_MAX_TASK_NUM - 1).

  3. The created task should be included in SCHED_CFG.c

  4. SCHED_CFG.h should be edited with proper clock configurations & proper task count.