
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Feed Reader project

Done by using Jasmine to test if the Javascript is working as well.

How to Run

  1. Download the zip folder.
  2. Open index.html to view the home page.

How test work :

  1. Tests for allfeeds has been defined and not empty
  2. Tests for allFeeds have a url and that the url is not empty
  3. Tests for allFeeds have a name and that the name is not empty
  4. chick 'menu-hidden' in the body tag and checks that the menu is hidden
  5. Toggles on click event if the menu appears or disappears
  6. Tests if the loadFeed function has at least a single '.entry' within the '.feed' container



[https://youtu.be/LdY4dlM6pS8 ] .

Arabic Resource:

About ajax.