Serial Doodad

Serial Doodad: Simplest way to program a micro-controller

This is an approach to program a micro-controller without a programmer.

  1. Download the attached sd.c file
  2. Compile it using
gcc sd.c -o sd

An excutable file named sd will appeare, this file is used by the shell to run any sd commands, the shell searches through all directories specified in the user $PATH variable for an executable file of sd name.

To do this, make a directory, copy the excutable file sd into it, theh make that dir pointed by your PATH.

  1. Let’s say you make a directory called doodad located in your Home directory
export PATH="$HOME/doodad:$PATH"

You can now run the script by typing sd without needing to specify the full path to the file. But this change is only temporary and valid only in the current shell session.

To make the change permanent, you need to define the $PATH variable in the shell configuration files. This achived by setting the variable in the ~/.bashrc file.

  1. Open the file with your text editor, here I am using vim and add the following line at the end of it:
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/doodad:$PATH"
  1. Save the file and load the new $PATH into the current shell session using the source command:
source ~/.bashrc
  1. To confirm that the directory was successfully added, print the value of your $PATH by typing:
echo $PATH
  1. Now you can easly run the command and choose you desired programming mode
sd -ph

All rights reserved to Danny Chouinard Danny Chouinard's doodads