Covido Django Project ( Graduation Project )

Quick Note

The Frontend Template from this Repo

Covido Django Project a web application Built Using Django Framework and and (html - css - js) Templates that helping people to get information of the confirmed, recovery and deaths cases. Covido can forecast the near future, trying to help people to reduce the feeling of danger because it makes the virus statistically and aware of its dimensions.


  • The main idea is to track Corona virus cases (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, and Removed or Recovered) By collecting data from more than one reliable source, then generate a forecasting models to for cast the near future death, recovery and new cases.

  • if a user needs to know if he is effected or not he can put his chest X-Ray Covido will predict, any user can tracing hospitals eligible to receive cases also follow where there are places for the injured or not, and where they are, also Doctors can give their advice in posts, users can reply to theirs.

  • Update ---> Two Years ago the daily data for death, recovery and new cases are available and there are many APIs provided them , Right now the Data sources are scarce , so currently I rely on available data, and the data are not daily collection

Team Members

  • Omar Mahamad Araby --> (Django backend - API - Data Visualization)
  • Karim Al-Amir Ahmad --> (Django backend - API)
  • Abdelrahman Ruby --> ( Chest X-Ray Model )
  • Mariam Sabry Muhammad --> ( Death , Recovery and New Cases Forecasting Model)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You will need to have the following software installed on your system:
  • Python (3.7 or later)


Step 1: clone the repo

Step 2: Make Sure to install python and pip

Step 3: create your virtual environment

python -m venv NAME_of_Your_Environment

Step 4: install required liberies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 5: Run migrations and create a db. from cmd type

python makemigrations
python migrate
  • If You want to clear Database
python migrate --run-syncdb

Step 6: create a superuser to get an access the admin panal

python createsuperuser

Step 7: Run Server

python runserver


Admin Panal







