
[COMPLETED] https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/app-go

Primary LanguageGo

Building Neo4j Applications with Go

Learn how to interact with Neo4j from Go using the Neo4j Go Driver

For a complete walkthrough of this repository, enroll now.


  • Clone repository

  • Update config.json with the connection details

  "APP_PORT": 3000,
  "NEO4J_URI": "neo4j://localhost:7687",
  "NEO4J_USERNAME": "neo4j",
  "NEO4J_PASSWORD": "letmein",
  "JWT_SECRET": "secret",
  • Start the project

go run ./cmd/neoflix

A Note on comments

You may spot a number of comments in this repository that look a little like this:

// tag::something[]
// end::something[]

We use Asciidoc to author our courses. Using these tags means that we can use a macro to include portions of code directly into the course itself.

From the point of view of the course, you can go ahead and ignore them.


Load movies

From fixtures / load-movies.cypher