

  • To simplify the ability to create / upload datasets into Autonomous Database


  • Locally executed
  • As little infrastructure required
  • Command line driven (initially)


Oracle Instant Client (download from web-site) - https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/downloads.html Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) Wallet (download from ADW) - https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/autonomous-database/adbsa/connect-download-wallet.html

Steps To Run

  • Download this repo
  • Create ADB instance in OCI
  • Download ADB wallet, unzip wallet and configure wallet (ie sqlnet.ora)
  • Download Oracle Instant Client and unzip
  • set environment variables (update bin/setenv.sh | bin/setenv.cmd and source environment)
    • TNS_ADMIN to the location of the wallet
    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on linux) and PATH (on Windows) to the location of the Oracle Instant Client
  • Install python requirements (using pip3 install -r requirements.txt)
  • Using datastore.properties.template (and copying it to datastore.properties), set parameters
    • TNS name to use
    • Username / Password for admin user (from Autonomous Database configuration)
    • Username / Password for datastore user (to be configured)
    • OCI configuration (optional for Object Storage extension)

I've got this video too walking through this process - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvk1sUQnotA


  • When using the command-line, the name of the table is based upon the filename ie /data/sample.csv will create a table called SAMPLE.
  • There is an expectation that the first row in the CSV is used for the name of the columns in the table.
  • Mindful of the filename (for the command-line) and the data in the first row as they are for the table name and column names and need to be compliant to Oracle naming conventions. In general - keep them to a small length (less than 30 characters); don't use special characters, spaces or punctuation - underscore is ok;

Samples Executions

To create the schema user and enable Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/adb.py create

To upload a CSV, create table, load the data and enable a REST interface

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/adb.py put data/sample.csv

To disable a REST interface and drop the table

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/adb.py delete data/sample.csv

To disable Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) and drop the schema user

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/adb.py drop

To upload a CSV, upload the data to object storage

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/os.py put data/sample.csv

To delete data from object storage

$ python3 src/scripts/pipeline/os.py delete data/sample.csv

DJango Framework

  • Added an app called apiadmin
  • calls the same methods in the script

To start app (from the root of the repo)

. ./bin/setenv.sh
python3 src/apiadmin/manage.py runserver

To upload a CSV file (and name the table)


To drop table
