
Inspired by the Australian Dynamo Users Group initiative, this is the official repository for any Dynamo graphs developed during the workshops held in Auckland.

MIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by the Australian Dynamo Users Group initiative, we have created this repository for any Dynamo graphs developed during the Dynamo Users Group workshops held in Auckland, New Zealand.

Declaration of Intent

Our LinkedIn Group is already open to everyone that is willing to learn Dynamo, Python for Dynamo, Grasshopper, Visual Programming, Parametric Design, Generative Design, Genetic Algorithms, APIs and essentially experiment with some cool stuff with us. We created this public GitHub repo where, from now on, we are going to store all the scripts which are developed or shared during any of the workshops held at Dynamo Users Group New Zealand. This should make it easier to collaborate, have fun and ultimately learn from each other. ❤️

General Info

Repository to host all the Dynamo graphs and presentation content developed during the workshops held in Auckland. You can either clone/download the material from the repo and then go through it locally on your machine, or you can use the scripts directly in Dynamo.

Furthermore, we encourage you to interact with us as much as you can! Feel free to use our material, fork the repo as you please, take inspiration or strip what is of use for you.

How to use

This repo is divided in folders and each folder represents one session held at the Dynamo Users Group New Zealand. Inside the folder you should find all the files that you need + a .md text file that explains the specifics of the workshop at hand or directs you to the file(s) of reference, the script files, and (hopefully) all the basic info that you need.

Arguably, the very first thing you should do is to open the .md file and understand how to use the folder's material.

We really hope you enjoy this material as much as we enjoy organising the sessions and you find it useful.

Happy Dynamoing!!