
small web app using Django that handles fund transfers between two accounts, the app should support importing a list of accounts with opening balances, querying these accounts, and transferring funds between any two accounts

Primary LanguagePython


Small web app using Django that handles fund transfers between two accounts. The app supports importing a list of accounts with opening balances, querying these accounts, and transferring funds between any two accounts.

Project Features

  • Account Management: Manage accounts with details like account number, name, and balance.
  • Funds Transfer: Transfer funds securely between accounts.
  • Transaction History: Track and view all transaction activities.


Transferring Funds

Visit the Transfer Funds page to enter account details and the amount to transfer.

Viewing Accounts

Go to the View Accounts page to see a list of all accounts and their details.

Viewing Transaction History

Navigate to the Transaction History page to review past transactions.

Understanding Transactions and Account Locking

Ensuring reliable and accurate transactions is crucial. Here's how transactions are managed:

Using transaction.atomic()

transaction.atomic() makes sure that operations are performed as a single atomic transaction. If any part fails, everything is rolled back to maintain data consistency.

from django.db import transaction

def transfer_funds(from_account, to_account, amount):
    with transaction.atomic():

        if from_account.balance < amount:
            raise ValueError("Insufficient funds")

        from_account.balance -= amount
        to_account.balance += amount


Account Locking

Account records are locked during transactions to prevent concurrent modifications. Using refresh_from_db() locks the record and ensures up-to-date data.

Search Functionality

The search feature allows you to filter accounts based on various criteria:

Exact Matching

Exact matching is used for fields like account_number. When you search by account number, the system finds accounts with the exact number you specify.

Non-Exact Matching

Non-exact matching is used for fields like account_name and balance. For account names, partial matches are allowed (case-insensitive). For balance, you can specify a range of values to filter accounts that fall within this range.

To use the search functionality, visit the View Accounts page where you can input search criteria and view filtered results.

Testing and Coverage

Testing ensures that our application works correctly. We use pytest to run our tests and measure code coverage. Code coverage indicates how much of the code is exercised by the tests.

Running Tests

Tests are run using the following command:

pytest --cov=accounts --cov-report html


  • Python 3.9 or later
  • pip (Python package installer)
  • virtualenv (optional but recommended)
  • Docker (optional for containerized setup)

Installation Steps

  1. local using venv and Django

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd Account-Transfer-Task
    python -m venv venv 
    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  2. local using Docker

  docker-compose build
  docker-compose up