A Github Action to deploy AWS Lambda functions written in Python with their dependencies in a separate layer.
- acumenix
- carlosmarinGoogle
- chedanielSGS&Co
- connor-mccarthy@google
- denstortiMelbourne, Australia
- drulang@ikeono
- ebellm
- etataptiv
- evilneuro@indicia
- Faisal-Manzer@exatorial
- gridc
- grraffe
- hedderichDeutsche Bahn AG
- hudgeonManaged Functions
- kelvintys4156
- kenesparta@ship-ws
- ktrnkaSingularity 6
- KyleARector@SEP
- lucaslima18Senai-AL
- lukeenterpriseLuke outdoors & supply LLC
- lunswor
- m-lujan@modest-keyboard
- maceddBrazil
- matheushent@omnivector-solutions
- matthewdstaleySan Francisco
- Motoxpro
- mscoutermarsh@planetscale
- ozwtm2KPMG Advisory Lighthouse
- RafaSPSantiago, Chile
- raptordzuricskoBrooklyn, NY
- sal-git@Vectorworks
- shunkakinoki@LightDotSo
- TarkiyahUnited States
- tedmiston@mandolin-dev
- TheOtherDavidSt Petersburg, FL
- thomasattreeAmazon Web Services