Elastic Recipe Search

This sample application demonstrates:

  • Indexing recipes using the Java Client API and
  • Using the Java Client API to searching for recipes by keywords

Screenshot of search page

A simple recipe search UI constructed with Servlets, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery Bootstrap, Bootstrap Table all served up from an embedded Jetty web server.

Uses an IntelliJ developer environment to assist with getting familiar with Elasticsearch Java Client APIs.

Running this on your own machine

  1. Download and install Java Version 8.

  2. Download and unzip Elasticsearch.

  • Follow the Installation & Setup Guide to install and test the Elastic Stack (you can skip this step if you have a working installation of the Elastic Stack). Additionaly for this demo there is no requirement to install either Kibana or Logstash.

  • Run Elasticsearch

  • Check that Elasticsearch is up and running.

    • Open localhost:9200 in web browser -- should return status code 200

    Note: By default, Elasticsearch runs on port 9200. If you changed the default ports during installation, change the above calls to use appropriate ports.

  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=mac).

  2. Clone the elastic/examples repo.

  3. Start IntelliJ and Import project examples/Search/recipe_search_java, select "import from external model", choose "Maven" then hit next. Continue hitting next until the project is open (along the way you may have to select a Java SDK).

  4. Seed Elasticsearch index with initial recipe data. In IntelliJ Run the file IndexRecipesApp located in src/main/java/com/elastic/recipe.

  5. In IntelliJ Run the file SearchRecipesApp located in src/main/java/com/elastic/recipe.

  6. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8080/recipe/recipes.html.