To run the alternative dark matter models discussed, you first need to download GravSphere and follow its documentation (see
If you use any of the models described here, please additionally cite the following papers:
- Code implementation --
- Cold Dark Matter (CDM) --
- Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM) --
What you find here only substitutes the dark matter model implemented in GravSphere (coreNFWtides), so you will first need to run
in order to run the alternative models implemented here. See :: Setting up your own model :: section for an explanation of how it works.
In order to run the alternative models, some changes need to be implemented in the file that contains the priors for the galaxy under analysis:
As an example, you can check our file
( <name>
to whatever name you are using for your object.)
To run the CDM model, the priors that you need are the virial mass
# M200 in solar masses
logM200low = 7.5
logM200high = 11.5
clow = 1.0
chigh = 50.0
After changing your priors, you will need to call your file in the main code,
, just like in the original script.
To run the SFDM model, the priors that you need are the virial mass
#rTF in kpc
logrTFlow = np.log10(rTFlow)
logrTFhigh = np.log10(rTFhigh)
And you can change the lower (rTFlow
) and upper (rTFhigh
) limits on the rTFlow = 0.001
and rTFhigh = 5
. You can see the justification for the choice of each one of these priors on the paper, and choose yours accordingly.
After adding your priors, you will need to call your file in the main code,
, just like in the original script.
You can now run python
or python
, in both running and plotting modes.
If you find any bugs or have any questions, please contact me.
Mariana P. Júlio