
A RESTful API created using Maven and Spring that exposes an endpoint  manage a catalog product.
The configurations that you need to use this API are the following:
	-access http://localhost:8082/authenticate to login with the credentials for the only user I added
(for simplicity) and generate the token needed to access any data
		"username": "name",
		"password": "pass"
	-access http://localhost:8082/catalog, using the token generated earlier in the Authorization header
(with Bearer method), to access the list of products
	-access http://localhost:8082/catalog/id in a similar way to access an item by its id

For testing I used Postman.

I set the session to expire after 10hours.

The token generated has its secretKey saved in

For the rate limit based on number of requests in a certain time period I used RateLimiter from
Throttling in Java.

For security I used a JWT authentication with these libraries: 
o.jsonwebtoken jwt
avax.xml.bind jaxb-api
For security:

1.	<dependency>
2.	<dependency>
3.	<dependency>
4.	<dependency>
For configuration and test:
1.	<dependency>
2.	<dependency>
3.	<dependency>
For the rate limit:

1.	<dependency>