Store utility for collecting results and meta info of any type of async work. Typically used for http requests.
$ npm i @marianmeres/fetch-store
// foo-store.js
const foo = createFetchStore(async () => {
const r = await fetch('foo.json');
if (!r.ok) throw new Error('Not OK!');
return await r.json();
{#if $foo.isFetching}
<Spinner />
{:else if $foo.lastFetchError}
<Error error={$foo.lastFetchError} />
<Foo foo={$} />
const store = createFetchStore<T>(
// the async worker
fetchWorker: (...args) => Promise<any>,
// optional, initial `data` value of the store
initial?: T = null,
// optional, used to modify data returned by fetchWorker... (usefull for various
// data update strategies, like merge/deepmerge/set etc)
dataFactory?: (raw: any, old?: any) => T = null,
// options (see source)
options? = null
// subscription
store.subscribe((v) => {
// main result
// T;
// meta
// v.isFetching: boolean;
// v.lastFetchStart: Date;
// v.lastFetchEnd: Date;
// v.lastFetchError: Date;
// v.successCounter: number;
// instance api
// do the async work
store.fetch(...args): Promise<T>;
// do the async work, but do not update meta
store.fetchSilent(...args): Promise<T>;
// do the async work only once (if within threshold since last)
store.fetchOnce(args: any[], thresholdMs: number): Promise<void>;
// to reset internal meta store
// for manual hackings