
Audio Dataset for training CLAP and other models

Primary LanguagePython


Audio Dataset for training CLAP and other models. In this readme, we define the standard and method to store and process the audio data. Please feel free to propose idea or comments for this documentation. We will iterate several rounds to have a final version.


For audio dataset, our data process pipline is: raw dataset -> processed dataset (audio+json) -> webdataset (set of .tar).

Raw dataset

The raw dataset refers to the raw form of the dataset as they downloaded (presumably from https://deploy.laion.ai). They might have various file format, and might have metadata, captions, or labels, stored in different format. We will take the raw dataset and process them to a unified data storage format.

Please find the list of raw dataset in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lvbz5A8tXB1s5piBo0JxKTfpgiYLjTLe0qwk6QtPR9w/edit

Processed dataset

The processed dataset contains only audio files and its labels. The audio is saved in .flac format with a sample rate of 48000. The label of the audio, including captions/class labels/tags/metadata, are stored in a .json file with same filename as the .flac file. The file is renamed in processed dataset, and name format in precessed dataset is in number id (1.wav, 1.json), to avoid parsing error in subsequent processing caused by file name.

Key of each type of label and its format

The label of the audio is saved in a .json file as a dict. The key of the data labels and its format:

  • text: The text of the audio which would be used to train the model. The text is a list containing strings where each entry is one caption/description. This could be caption, description, or made up text description of the audio from tags (e.g.: "This is an audio containing A, B, and C.").
  • tag: The tag of the audio. tag is a list containing strings where each entry is one tag. This could be class label (e.g., AudioSet) or tag of the audio without having the notion of class label, or metadata of the audio.
  • original_data: Any form of original data associated with the audio. Can be in arbitary form as long as consistent inside dataset. For example, if the original data of the audio is not in the form of tag or text description, you could save the original data here.
  • (Please add more to here if you come up with more types of label)

Preprocess scripts

In data_preprocessfolder, you could find the codes and scripts for each raw dataset. If you contribute to process a new dataset, please add your scripts to data_preprocessfolder.

You can find the codes to process audio files in utils/audio_utils.

An example of preprocess raw dataset can be found in data_preprocess/preprocess_clotho.py.

Split the Dataset

For each raw dataset, we should leave-out part of the dataset as test set. When generating .flac and .json files, please also split the dataset. The .flac and .json files should be generated under the folder of the split name.

For datasets that have a split itself (e.g., Clotho or AudioSet), use the dataset split and name it as train/valid/test (for only two splits, name train/test). For datasets that have custom splits (e.g., AudioSet), name the split according to the dataset split. If there is no split of the dataset, please randomly leave-out 10% of the dataset as test set.

├── Dataset_A
│   ├── train
│   └── test
├── Dataset_B (if have train/test/split)
│   ├── train
│   ├── valid
│   └── test
└── Dataset_C (if have custom split)
│   ├── train
│   ├── custom_split_1
│   └── custom_split_2

Making tar files

The tardir function in the make_tar_utils.py script creates the tars that includes the audio and text files in the same folder. One can indicate how much pairs of files should be in the tar. For example, calling this make_tar_utils.tardir(file_path='PATH\TO\THE\WHERE\AUDIO_TEXT_PAIRS\LOCATE', tar_name='PATH\TO\THE\OUTPUT\FOLDER\TARFILENAME', n_entry_each=some int number) will give you n_entry_each pairs of (audio, text) files pairs in each tar files naming like TARFILENAME0 , TARFILENAME1 etc. All the audio .flac and text .json files in file_path will be packed up.

The load_from_tar load (audio, text, name) tuples from a specific .tar file with some choice of audio decoding parameters. See the documentation of the function in detail. And, of course, we have a different function for the dataloader. This function is just for debugging and reading tar files temporarily.


We use the webdataset as the final format to save the data for better data-loading performance when training the models. The webdataset packs all the files in processed dataset into several .tar files. Each .tar files contain a subset of the processed dataset files. These .tar files would be the one read by dataloader when we train the models.

The standard of webdataset and ways to create the webdataset:

python make_tar.py --input /mnt/audio_clip/processed_datasets/audiocaps/ --output /mnt/audio_clip/webdataset_tar/audiocaps/ --dataclass all --num_element 512 --filename name

Meaning of this command:

  • We are expecting (.flac, .json) file pairs in /mnt/audio_clip/processed_datasets/audiocaps/{}/ where {} could be train, test, valid which should be indicate in dataclass.
   ├── audiocaps
   │   ├── train
   │   ├── valid
   │   └── test
  • We will have outputed tar files like /mnt/audio_clip/webdataset_tar/audiocaps/train/name0.tar. Each tar includes 512 (.flac, .json) file pairs.
  • We will have outputed sizes.json indicating the size of each tar file in the folder.
   ├── audiocaps
   │   ├── train
   |   |     ├── sizes.json
   |   |     ├── name0.tar
   |   |     ├── name1.tar
   |   |     └── ...
   │   ├── valid
   |   |     ├── sizes.json
   |   |     ├── name0.tar
   |   |     ├── name1.tar
   |   |     └── ...
   │   └── test
             └── ...

The outputed sizes.json will be like

    "name0.tar": 512,
    "name1.tar": 512,

Directory Structure

Raw dataset: All the raw datasets are stored in https://deploy.laion.ai.

Preprocessed dataset & webdataset: all the preprocessed dataset & webdataset are stored in (TBD) (TODO: figure out a place to save). If you contribute to process a new dataset, please move the final webdataset to the above location.


To contribute, please make a branch of yourself and make pull requests to the main branch.

If you contribute to process a new dataset, please add your scripts to data_preprocessfolder.

If you contribute to process a new dataset, please move the final webdataset to the [TODO: determine location].