Libft Libft is a library of useful functions written in C.
Files and Functions Here are some of the key files and the functions they implement:
libft.h: This is the header file for the library. It contains the declarations of all the functions and types used in the library.
Makefile: This file is used to compile the library. You can use the make command in your terminal to compile all the source files into a library.
ft_atoi.c: This file contains the ft_atoi function, which converts a string to an integer.
ft_bzero.c: This file contains the ft_bzero function, which sets the memory pointed to by a given pointer to zero.
ft_calloc.c: This file contains the ft_calloc function, which allocates memory for an array of a certain number of elements, each of a certain size, and initializes all bytes in the allocated storage to zero.
How to Use To use the library, first compile it using the make command. This will create a libft.a file, which is the compiled library. You can then include libft.h in your C files and link against libft.a when compiling your program.
This will compile your_program.c with the Libft library.