
Primary LanguageJavaScript

LightBnB Project

LightBnB is a web application that uses SQL as its database. It allows users to search for a property for the night by filtering the database.


"screenshot of ERD" This screenshot shows how the database was designed to create LightBnB.


  • Bcrypt
  • Bodyparser
  • Cookie-session
  • Express
  • Nodemon
  • Pg
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

Application Setup

  • Open the LightBnB_WebApp-master
  • Install all dependencies (using the npm install command).
  • Run the development web server using the npm run local command.
  • Type in http://localhost:3000/ in the browser.
  • Find a property to spend a night at on LightBnB!

Database Setup

  • Clone the remote repo to a folder named lightbnb and open it.
  • Type psql in your CLI to start PostgreSQL.
  • Create the database by typing CREATE DATABASE lightbnb; as a command.
  • Type \c lightbnb to connect to the database.
  • Add all tables to the database by typing \i migrations/01_schema.sql.
  • Add all seed data by typing \i seeds/02_seeds.sql.