Warning: openweather is currently broken. If you want to help adapt it to the latest OpenWeatherMap API version 2.5, feel free to join this PR.
A basic OpenWeatherMap.org API client.
The version here in the repository is currently ahead of the latest version distributed on PyPy (0.9). It features Caching.
If the cache isn't explicitly deactivated, the function "get_historic_weather()" stores data fetched from the API in an SQLite database. On subsequent requests, data is fetched directly from the database, if available.
In order to deactivate the cache, use
ow = openweather.OpenWeather(cache=False)
and in order to explicitly set a path for the cache DB file, use
ow = openweather.OpenWeather(cache="path/to/cache.db")
Note: Only tested with Python 2.7
To install the latest release:
pip install openweather
For the latest version from the repository, use:
pip install git+https://github.com/marians/openweather.git
##Python module example
import openweather
from datetime import datetime
# create client
ow = openweather.OpenWeather()
# find weather stations near me
stations = ow.find_stations_near(
7.0, # longitude
50.0, # latitude
100 # kilometer radius
# iterate results
for station in stations:
print station
# get current weather at Cologne/Bonn airport
# (station id = 4885)
print ow.get_weather(4885)
# historic weather
start_date = datetime(2013, 09, 10)
end_date = datetime(2013, 09, 15)
# default: hourly interval
print ow.get_historic_weather(4885, start_date, end_date)
# daily aggregates
print ow.get_historic_weather(4885, start_date, end_date, "day")
Print current weather at station ID 4885:
$ openweather -s 4885
Print historic weather for 2013-10-01 at station ID 4885:
$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131001
For valid formats of the -d
or --date
see daterangestr.
Print historic data in CSV format
$ python openweather.py -s 4885 -d 20131022 --csv
This is particularly usefull if you want to store that data to a file...
$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131022 --csv > weather.csv
... or want to manipulate and display it (using csvkit):
$ openweather -s 4885 -d 20131027 --csv|csvcut -c 9,26,30,35,43|csvlook
| dt | main_temp_v | pressure_v | wind_deg_v | wind_speed_v |
| 1382824800 | 287.15 | 1005 | | 4.1 |
| 1382835600 | 290.4 | 1008.25 | 170 | 5.93 |
| 1382839200 | 289.15 | 1007.5 | 175 | 5.1 |
| 1382904000 | 287.15 | 1007 | 210 | 5.9 |
| 1382907600 | 287.15 | 1007 | 200 | 6.2 |
| 1382911200 | 287.15 | 1006 | 177 | 5.1 |
| | | | | |
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