
A front-end web application that displays daily images of NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A front-end web application that displays daily images of NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)!


  1. The user can select a start and end date range to see a series of daily APOD photos that fall within the range.
  2. The user can like/unlike photos.
  3. The user can see the photo title, date published, the photo itself, and a breif description on what the photo captures.
  4. Saves likes if the user leaves the page or refreshes locally using Javascript --> localStorage.
  5. Animated like button of a font-awesome heart!
  6. Loading state when data is pulled from the API.

Check out the page on the url: https://mariapapadimitriou.github.io/spacestagram/