
A java 7 version of the original project json-formatter-validator (https://github.com/mariazevedo88/json-formatter-validator)

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About json-formatter-validator-java7

A java 7 version of the original project json-formatter-validator (https://github.com/mariazevedo88/json-formatter-validator)

Library used to format an invalid JSON: a string in a JSON-like format, but no quotation marks on keys and values, or with other errors. The tool works with two input types: string and JSON file.

The method checkValidityAndFormatObject() checks if JSON is valid or not. If JSON is invalid, the string is formatted via regex to add the quotation marks. If JSON is already valid, nothing is done and JSON itself is returned. This functionality can be called as follows:


String invalidJSON = "{id:267107086801,productCode:02-671070868,lastUpdate:2018-07-15,lastUpdateTimestamp:2018-07-15 01:49:58,payment:[{sequential:1,id:CREDIT_CARD,value:188,installments:9}]}";
CustomJSONFormatter formatter = new CustomJSONFormatter();


19/02/14 00:08:57 INFO jsonformattervalidator.JsonFormatterValidatorApplication: Started Json Formatter Validator Aplication
19/02/14 00:08:57 INFO formatter.CustomJSONFormatter: Invalid json: {id: 267107086801,productCode:02-671070868,lastUpdate:2018-07-15,lastUpdateTimestamp:2018-07-15 01:49:58,payment:[{sequential:1,id: CREDIT_CARD,value: 188,installments:9}]}
19/02/14 00:08:57 INFO formatter.CustomJSONFormatter: Valid json: {"id":"267107086801","productCode":"02-671070868","lastUpdate":"2018-07-15","lastUpdateTimestamp":"2018-07-15 01:49:58","payment":[{"sequential":"1","id":"CREDIT_CARD","value":"188","installments":"9"}]}

In versions 2.0 onwards (v.2.0.0, v.2.0.1, etc ...), it is possible to filter one or more attributes of the string that looks like a json or remove one or more attributes, either to discard them by not use or because they are completely corrupted.

Example of the filter option:


String invalidJson = "{id:265998308001,productCode:02-659983080,purchaseDate:2018-01-17,person:{name:Mariana,document:0123456789},deliveryAddress:{street:Rua Fechada,number:666,additionalInfo:casa,city:Lavras,state:MG,zipcode:00000000}}";

String[] filterById = {"id"}; 
String jsonFiltered = formatter.filterJSONObjectsFromString(invalidJson, filterById); 



Example of the remove option:


String invalidJson = "{id:265998308001,productCode:02-659983080,purchaseDate:2018-01-17,person:{name:Mariana,document:0123456789},deliveryAddress:{street:Rua Fechada,number:666,additionalInfo:casa,city:Lavras,state:MG,zipcode:00000000}}";

String[] fieldsToRemove = {"person","deliveryAddress"}; 
String jsonFiltered = formatter.removeJSONObjectsFromString(invalidJson, fieldsToRemove); 



You can also mute the application logs and thrown exceptions. Just use as a parameter true and true values for the muteLog and the muteException variables, respectively, in the method checkValidityAndFormatObject, as the example below:

JsonObject invalidJson = formatter.checkValidityAndFormatObject(jsonFormatted, true, true);

To access the valid JSON, the getValidJson() method should be used. Example:


JsonObject validJson = formatter.getValidJson();
JsonElement id = validJson.get("id");


19/02/14 00:08:57 INFO jsonformattervalidator.JsonFormatterValidatorApplication: 267107086801


How to use

You must import .jar into the classpath of your project. If your project is a maven project, just set it as dependency in pom.xml, as follows:

