
This open-source code repository provides a Python implementation for generating an interactive horizon surfaces plot using Plotly. The focus of this code is to visualize the Volve horizons in a 3D surface plot.

Primary LanguageHTML


This open-source code repository provides a Python implementation for generating an interactive horizon surfaces plot using Plotly. The focus of this code is to visualize the Volve horizons in a 3D surface plot.


  • Interactive visualization: Explore the horizon surfaces plot with zooming, panning, and hovering capabilities.
  • Horizon visualization: Display multiple geological horizons including BCU, Hugin Fm Base, Hugin Fm Top, Shetland GP Top, and Ty Fm Top.
  • Data integration: Utilize data from the Volve dataset for generating the horizon surfaces.
  • Plot customization: Adjust plot properties, such as colorscales and axis titles, to customize the visualization.
  • Easy-to-use: The code provides a straightforward interface for generating the horizon surfaces plot in Python.

Note on Interactive Plot

Please note that the interactive plot may not be visible when viewing the Jupyter Notebook file directly on GitHub. However, an alternative HTML file (Volve Horizon Surfaces Python Code.html) is included in this repository, showcasing the interactive plot.

To view the interactive plot, follow these steps:

  1. Download or clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the Jupyter Notebook file (Volve Horizon Surfaces.ipynb) using Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab.
  3. Run the code in the notebook to generate the interactive plot.
  4. The generated plot will be displayed within the Jupyter Notebook interface.

Alternatively, you can directly view the interactive plot by opening the Volve Horizon Surfaces.html file in a web browser without running the Jupyter Notebook. Please note that running the code in a Jupyter Notebook environment is recommended to fully experience the interactivity and functionality of the plot.


Contributions to this open-source project are welcome. If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Volve Horizon Surfaces Screenshot