, a web app facilitating project collaborations in Berlin’s art scene


The core function of is to connect local artists and help them collaborate on art projects. A registered user can:

  • upload projects
  • rearrange portfolio display (see demo ---> )
  • crop project thumbnails
  • add project members
  • add job offers
  • apply to job offers
  • live chat with other users
  • discover suggested art events
  • ... etc

Web App

InfamousBerlin is developed with Ruby and supported by the Rails framework. It follows the MVC pattern and the TDD practice, uses Active Record as an interface for a PostgreSQL database. Authentication is operated through Devise. Tests are written with RSpec. Assets are bundled with Webpack. Application is run on Heroku. Continuous Integration tests are run on Github Actions. Real-time chat supported by Action Cable, Websocket and Redis

ruby Rails JavaScript SCSS HTML PostgreSQL Bootstrap FontAwesome

JS Packages (non exhaustive)

js-autocomplete cropperjs flatpickr gridstack typed.js

Ruby gems (non exhaustive)

cloudinary redis pundit simple_form pg_search rails_admin active_analytics rspec-rails factory_bot_rails capybara selenium-webdriver bullet

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone my-project

Go to the project directory and remove git logs

  cd my-project
  rm -rf .git

Install dependencies

  bundle install
  yarn install

Create database with seeds

  rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

Start the server

  rails s

Visit the page!
