
Rails7 on Docker. PgSQL, Redis, Sphinx, Sidekiq, Puma, Nginx

Primary LanguageRuby


This project is Playground for Rails 7 with using Docker.


Usually It is difficult and time consuming to setup a typical rails environment from scratch.

With this project you can start development process in minutes.

What is under the hood?

  • Ruby 3.2
  • Rails 7
  • PgSQL (Database)
  • Redis (Cache)
  • Sidekiq (Async and Delayed Jobs)
  • Sphinx (Full text search)
  • Puma (Web Server)

All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners.


On your host you have:

  • Ruby 2+
  • Docker
  • Git

How to start?

  • git clone git@github.com:the-teacher/rails7-docker.git
  • cd rails7-docker
  • bin/setup
1. Launching PgSQL container
2. Launching Rails container
3. Installing Gems. Please Wait
4. Create DB. Migrate DB. Create Seeds
5. Launching Redis Container
6. Generate Sphinx Config
7. Launching Sphinx Container
8. Indexing Article Model
9. Launching Rails App on the port 3000
10. Visit: http://localhost:3000

To Run All Containers

From the root of the project

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
[+] Running 4/4
  ⠿ Container rails7app-redis-1   Running
  ⠿ Container rails7app-psql-1    Running
  ⠿ Container rails7app-sphinx-1  Running
  ⠿ Container rails7app-rails-1   Running

To See Running Containers

docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Ports}}'
NAMES                CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          PORTS
rails7app-sphinx-1   7379414a8127   macbre/sphinxsearch:3.4.1      36307/tcp
rails7app-redis-1    df3cc69795bb   redis:7.0.5-alpine             6379/tcp
rails7app-rails-1    2042c1346ef1   iamteacher/rails7:2023.arm64>3000/tcp
rails7app-psql-1     60bf07fc70fe   postgres:15.1-bullseye         5432/tcp

To Get In a Container


docker exec -ti rails7app-rails-1 bash


docker exec -ti rails7app-psql-1 bash


docker exec -ti rails7app-psql-1 ash


docker exec -ti rails7app-sphinx-1 ash

To Stop All Containers

From the root of the project

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
[+] Running 4/4
  ⠿ Container rails7app-redis-1   Removed
  ⠿ Container rails7app-psql-1    Removed
  ⠿ Container rails7app-sphinx-1  Removed
  ⠿ Container rails7app-rails-1   Removed

Conventions and Agreements

For demonstration, education and maintainance purposes I use the following approach:


  • All data related folders for services are placed in ./db
  • All service related folders are UPPERCASED

Configuration Files

  • All services' configurations are placed in ./config
  • All service related configs are _UNDERSCORED and UPPERCASED
├── _SPHINX (<< folder)
├── _PUMA.rb
├── _SIDEKIQ.yml


  • All services' initializers are placed in ./config/initializers
  • All services' initializers are _UNDERSCORED and UPPERCASED
├── _REDIS.rb
├── _SIDEKIQ.rb
└── _SPHINX.rb

Rails user

As a user to own files and run Rails inside a container I use

user:group => lucky:lucky => 7777:7777

If you would like to run the project on a linux environment then:

  • create group lucky (7777) and user lucky (7777)
  • run the project with RUN_AS=7777:7777 option

