A tiny catalog collector for my personal collection of recipes.
View the live catalog.
- Maintain metadata profile with my custom cooking ontology
- Sync recipes from Paprika app
- Transform Paprika recipes into TTL
- Upload TTL to ddw
git clone git@github.com:mariechatfield/recipebox.git
cd recipebox
npm install
In order to run the scripts, you must have the following environment variables set up.
# Email and password used to log into my Paprika account
export PAPRIKA_USERNAME="marie.chatfield@gmail.com"
# Personal API token for the ddw environment with access to recipebox org
npm run sync
- Sync local recipe files with Paprika's cloud recipe files
- Run the collector over all the recipe data
- Upload the catalog TTL files to data.world
./bin/sync-recipes path/to/export.paprikarecipes
After exporting your Paprika recipes:
- Parses a local export from Paprika and syncs local recipe files to match
- Does not automatically catalog and upload
After making changes to any TTL files that are not part of the automatic sync, use this command to upload your changes to data.world
Runs the collector over any recipe data and generates updated TTL files. Does not automatically upload to data.world.
- catalog/
# All the TTL files that comprise the recipebox catalog.
# Any file ending in .ttl will be uploaded to the ddw-catalogs dataset.
- metadata-profile.ttl
# The main TTL file that contains all metadata profile set up,
# attribute and class definitions, and catalogs.
# No _instances_ are created here.
- menu.ttl
# Hand-written _instances_ of :Menu classes.
- bin/
# Node scripts to perform syncing, collecting, and uploading actions.
# See the Usage section for details.
- build/
# Generated files, created and updated by the Node scripts
- recipes/
# The collection of JSON files synced directly from Paprika,
# with minimal adaptation.
- static/
# Files that are _not_ directly recipes but contain relevant
# information about Paprika recipes by UID.
- auditLog.json
# Map of Paprika recipe UID to the current hash and
# file location. Used to determine which recipes (if any)
# need to be created/updated/deleted during syncs.
# Automatically updated after every sync or export parse.
- ignoredIds.json
# Map of Paprika recipe UIDs to skip when syncing from cloud.
# Manually update this if there is a recipe that Paprika cloud
# stores but that we do not want to sync.
- catalog/
# Copy of the metadata profile TTL files from /catalog, plus the
# generated TTL files from the collector, to upload to DDW
- recipes.ttl
# Generated _instances_ of :Recipe classes.
# Updated by running the recipe collector.