
Does Marie approve the new eating foo(d) bars in town?

Primary LanguageRuby


As a restaurant owner,
so that i can get feedback on my business,
I can create my restaurant on my website via a from.

As a visitor,
so I can find restaurants,
I would like to visit a page where I can see all the restaurants

As a visitor,
so that I can make a decision about visiting a restaurant
I would like to see a single’s restaurant’s average rating


MVP 1 User Stories that we discussed

As a restaurant owner,
so that i can keep my restaurant details up to date
I want to be able to edit  my restaurant from the website.

As a restaurant owner,
so that i can keep my restaurant details up to date
I want to be able to delete my restaurant from the website.

As a visitor,
so I can share my experience
I want to be able to leave a rating in my review

As a visitor,
so I can share my experience
I want to be able to leave a an optional comment in my review

As a visitor,
so I can find restaurants,
I would like to visit a page where I can see images of the restaurants

As a visitor
so I can be a member on the site
I would like to be able to sign up for the site

As a visitor
so I can be go through the website via my account
I would like to be able to login into the website

As a visitor
so I can be go out of the website
I would like to be able to logout of the website