
Neutron star equation of state files, includes TOV solver, unit conversion, and plots

Primary LanguageMathematica


== Table of Content ==

  1. Codes and input files that produe the EoSs
  2. Correspondence between EoS folders and paper figures
  3. Files in the folders
  4. Neutron star observation constraints

==== 0. Codes and input files that produe the EoSs ========================================================

To run the code, one requires the folder input_files, the Mathematica code, and a generic folder called output_files and output_files/TW (the generated EoS will be outputed here). We have also uploaded the EoS folders as well but those are the output of the code and not required to run the code.

We include two different codes here, please cite the following papers:
PRL_EOS_TOV.nb: Tan, Noronha-Hostler, Yunes, Phys.Rev.Lett. 125 (2020) 26, 261104
PRD_Twins_TOV.nb: Tan, Dore, Dexheimer, Noronha-Hostler, Yunes to appear

If the SLy crust was used cite:
E. Chabanat, P. Bonche, P. Haensel, J. Meyer, and R. Schaef-fer. A Skyrme parametrization from subnuclear to neutronstar densities. 2. Nuclei far from stablities.Nucl. Phys. A,635:231–256, 1998. [Erratum: Nucl.Phys.A 643, 441–441(1998)].doi:10.1016/S0375-9474(98)00180-8
F. Douchin and P. Haensel. Inner edge of neutron star crustwith SLY effective nucleon-nucleon interactions.Phys. Lett.B, 485:107–114, 2000.arXiv:astro-ph/0006135,doi:10.1016/S0370-2693(00)00672-9.
F. Douchin and P. Haensel. A unified equation of state ofdense matter and neutron star structure.Astron. Astrophys.,380:151, 2001.arXiv:astro-ph/0111092,doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20011402.
F Douchin, P Haensel, and J Meyer. Nuclear surface andcurvature properties for SLy Skyrme forces and nuclei in theinner neutron-star crust.Nucl. Phys. A, 665:419–446, 2000.

==== 1. Correspondence between EoS folders and paper figures ========================================================
The EoS folder contains:

Fig.4 top -> /adjustedwidth
Fig.4 bottom -> /peaklocation
Fig.5 -> /endpoint
Fig.6 -> /2bumpsfat

Fig.7 blue dotted dash -> /crust/QHC-125
red dash -> /endpoint_maxfull/eos3
green solid -> /crust/SKA-140
blue dash -> /crust/QHC-275
red solid -> /endpoint_maxfull/eos1
green dash -> /crust/SKA-300

Fig.8 -> /endpoint_maxfull

Fig.9 blue dash -> /peaklocation/eos1
pink solid -> /endpoint_maxFull/eos2
red dotted-dash -> /endpoint_maxfull/eos3
cyan solid -> /slanted_3M/eos1
green dash -> /endpoint_3M/eos4
megenta solid -> /2bumpsfat/eos1

Fig.11 purple dash -> TW/peakwide_longcs0/eos4
brown dotted-dash -> TW/peakwide_longcs0/eos2
blue solid -> TW/highhyb/eos1
green dash -> TW/peakwidthFIXL/eos1

Fig.12 blue dotted dash -> /TW/Blat_repeat/eos1
red solid -> /TW/Blat_repeat/eos3
green dash -> /TW/low_n_peak1st/eos2

Fig.13 -> /TW/peakwidthFIXL

Fig.14 purple dash -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth/eos1
deep green dash -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth/eos2
light green dash -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth/eos3
blue dot -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth/eos4
black solid -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth2/eos1
brown dotted dash -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth2/eos3
brown dash -> /TW/pickFIX_PTwidth3/eos4

Fig.15 -> /TW/slantendpoint
Fig.16 -> /TW/endpoint

==== 2. Files in the folders =================================================================================

In each folder, there should be at least 3 types of files: EoS, mr, all observables

For EoS, the file name is eosX.dat, where X is a number.
There are five columns in eosX.dat, which are
baryon density[1/fm^3], pressure[MeV/fm^3], energy density[MeV/fm^3], speed of sound squared[], chemical potential[MeV]

For mr, the file name is mrX.dat, where X is a number.
There are four columns in mrX.dat; the first three of them are:
radius of NS[km], mass of NS[solar mass], central energy density[MeV/fm^2]

For files contain all observables, the file name is eosX_CntDens[MeV]_R[km]_M[Msun]_Ibar_Qbar_Love.dat
There are 6 columns in the files, which are
center energy density, radius of NS, mass of NS, dimensionless moment of inertia, dimensionless quadrupole moment, dimensionless Love number.
The units are shown in the filenames, where MeV really means MeV/fm^3 and Msun means solar mass.

==== 3. Neutron Star observation constraints ==================================================================

publication: http://arxiv.org/abs/1805.11581
repository: https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1800115/public

publication: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12611

J0030+0451 Illinois-Maryland:
publication: http://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05705
repository: https://zenodo.org/record/3473466#.YMDjgTZKidY

J0030+0451 Amsterdam:
publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.05702
repository: https://zenodo.org/record/3386449#.YMDkDjZKidY

J0740+6620 Illinois-Maryland:
publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.06979
repository: https://zenodo.org/record/4670689#.YMDmSjZKidY

J0740+6620 Amsterdam:
publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.06980
repository: https://zenodo.org/record/4697625#.YMDlZjZKidY

V723 Mon:
publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.02212