
Task: Create applications to test password strength

The essence of the assignment:

• Create a field for entering a password, under the field add 3 sections which will show the strength of the password; • Changes in password strength must take place in real time; • How to calculate the strength of a password: • Only letters/digits/symbols - the password is easy; • Combination of letters-symbols/letters-digits/digits-symbols - the password is medium; • Has letters, symbols and numbers - the password is strong; • The color of the sections will depend on the strength of the password: • If the field is empty, all sections are gray; • If the field has less than 8 characters, all sections are red; • If the password is easy - the first section is red the rest are gray; • If the password is medium - the first two sections are yellow the last one is gray; • If the password is strong, all sections are green;