
Configurable and easy to use LinkedIn tool to automate connections with personalized messages.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

No Maintenance Intended

LinkedIn Connect

LinkedIn Connect is a configurable and easy to use JavaScript script to automate connections with personalized messages.

LinkedIn Connect Demo


Make sure your LinkedIn is in English


  1. Go to the People section of the company you're interested in (https://www.linkedin.com/company/{COMPANY_NAME}/people/)
  2. Modify the constants at the top of linkedin_connect.js to your liking
Constant Description
MAX_CONNECTIONS Maximum amount of connection requests
WAIT_TO_CONNECT Time in ms to wait before requesting to connect
WAIT_AFTER_SCROLL Time in ms to wait before new employees load after scroll
MESSAGE Message to connect (%EMPLOYEE% and %COMPANY% will be replaced with real values, 300 characters max.)
POSITION_KEYWORDS Keywords to filter employees in specific positions
  1. Run it in the chrome dev tools console (or add it as a snippet)




The code within this repository comes with no guarantee, the use of this code is your responsibility. Use at your own risk.