
Code for the Cliques, Colors, and Communication project

Primary LanguageC++


Code for the Cliques, Colors, and Communication project

Build using: ./build.sh

To compute the chromatic number of a graph run:

./solve.sh graph.edge

in which graph.edge is the graph in the DIMACS format.

The graphs in the DIMACS format start with a header, which begins with "p edge " followed by the maximum vertex index and the number of edges (seperated by a space). Afterward, each line represents an edge and starts with "e " followed by the two vertices that are connected by the edge (seperated by a space). Note that all vertex labels should have a number between 1 and the maximum vertex index.

For example, a 5-cycle in DIMACS is:

p edge 5 5 e 1 2 e 2 3 e 3 4 e 4 5 e 5 1

The repository also contains a script for hard graphs

./new-loop.sh graph.edge

The algorithm of the script is described here:

Marijn J. H. Heule, Anthony Karahalios, and Willem-Jan van Hoeve (2022). From Cliques to Colorings and Back Again. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2022: 26:1–26:10. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) 235, Dagstuhl. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mheule/publications/CP22-CliColCom.pdf