
a slightly modified version of the ubcsat solver

Primary LanguageC

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====================================================== SLS SAT Solver from The University of British Columbia

...... Developed & Maintained by Dave Tompkins .......

...... consult legal.txt for legal information .......

.... project website: http://ubcsat.dtompkins.com ....

..... contact us at ubcsat [@] googlegroups.com ......

README Release Notes

The website above should be consulted for the latest news on the ubcsat project

  • to get started with ubcsat, we recommend you consult the online "Quick Start" guide

  • the FAQ may also help with some of your initial questions

  • please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail regarding any questions, problems, suggestions, comments

  • To receive updates when new versions of ubcsat are available, and other exciting ubcsat news, we highly recommend you join the google group:


    Note that the mailing list is moderated, spam-free, and and will not be abused.

  • If you want to understand how to write code and interface with the code, we suggest you read the paper

    then look at an algorithm implementation (i.e.: walksat-tabu.c) and then...

    for now (more documentation forthcoming) look at code examples on how to use:

    (ubcsat-globals.h) -- describes all the global variables and routines you need

    (ubcsat-triggers.h) -- describes the available triggers and their data structures