Projeto de conclusão de curso de Engenharia de Computação - UTFPR:
Desenvolvimento de um descritor de imagem baseado em Curvas de Hilbert.
- Imagens (.jpg) e anotações (.mat): Caltech-101
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- NIXON, M.; AGUADO, A. Feature Extraction and Image Processing. [S.l.]: Newnes, 2002.(Electronics & Electrical). ISBN 9780750650786.
- SAGAN, H. Space Filling Curves. [S.l.]: Springer-Verlag, 1994.
- TIAN, D. A review on image feature extraction and representation techniques. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, v. 8, p. 385–395, 01 2013.
- TUYTELAARS, T.; MIKOLAJCZYK, K. Local invariant feature detectors: A survey. Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, v. 3, p. 177–280, 11 2007.
- Marcin Chwedczuk, Iterative algorithm for drawing Hilbert curve: