
Technical test using pure javascript and CSS. The goal of this project is to render three donut charts, using D3 library. The architecture uses MVC pattern, having one single view connected to three different models. Data is consumed from this endpoints:

Get started

  • Clone the repository.
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Run gulp default to generate the bunddle (prerequisite install gulp).
  • Open index.html in a browser to see the charts working.


  • Open a terminal in the main folder.
  • Run gulp default
  • Open index.html in a browser to see the changes.

Watch mode

No need to rebuild after code changes

  • Open a terminal in the main folder.
  • Run gulp watch
  • Refresh index.html in the browser to see the changes.

Run tests

  • Run npm test

Improvements to be done

  • Fill the donut chrts with the area chart (historical values).
  • Use of SCSS.
  • Styled components instead of global stylesheets.
  • Use of webpack and webpack-dev-server.