Todo app by Marina Aisa

⚡️ Live

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💻 Technology Used

  • Nuxt.js is the biggest framework on top of Vue.js to generate SPA and universal SPAs. Since this webapp doesn't have much of static information, I don't need to index the content on Google and I need access to localStorage, I'm using the SPA mode. You can read more about the differences between static and SPA in this article I wrote.

  • Nuxt-i18n as a Nuxt's pluging on top of vue-i18n for i18n features.

  • Vuex as state management library.

  • Jest and Vue Tests Utils as testing frameworks and utils.

  • SCSS as CSS preprocessor.

  • LocalStorage to save user's tasks in their browser and restore data when page is reload.

  • ESLint to format the code.

  • Netlify for deployment.

✏️ Design:

Its design is inspired on Reminders app (dark theme) by Apple.

🔗 Features:

  • Adding new tasks
  • Marking tasks as complete
  • Marking tasks as incomplete (un-mark a previously complete task)
  • Deleting tasks
  • Saving tasks on LocalStorage
  • Displaying number of tasks
  • Web accessibility
  • i18n in English and Spanish
  • 100% score on web performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO on Lighthouse's audits: image info

🔍 Web Accessibility:

For checking web accessibility you can use this advance tool for Chrome.

  • Aria-labels describe needed information when no text is available.
  • Keyboard-based operation is implemented and focus styles are displayed.
  • User can skip the header on "Skip to content" when starting to tab on the website.
  • Fieldset is defined for the list of tasks.
  • Color contrast ratio between text and background is always higher than 4.5.
  • Landsmarks are applied.

🚀 Get Up and Running

  1. Download this repository and go to its folder

    git clone && cd nuxt-todo-app
  2. Install dependencies

     npm install
  3. Run a local server with hot reload at localhost:3000

    npm run dev

🛠 Available Scripts

Run unit tests made with Jest:

  npm run test

Build SPA for production:

  npm run build

Find syntax errors. I use ESLint:

  npm run lint

Autofix linter:

  npm run fix-lint