👋 Hey, welcome to my profile! 👋

📋 My Holopin board 📋

An image of @marinajcs's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

💻 Languages I've worked with 💻

C C++ Java Python Ruby Latex R HTML5 CSS3 PHP Shell Script Markdown

📥 Databases I'm familiar with 📥

MongoDB MySQL Oracle

✏️ IDEs/editors I've used ✏️

CLion IntelliJ IDEA PyCharm NetBeans IDE RStudio Spyder Visual Studio Code Sublime Text Arduino IDE

🌱 Currently learning 🌱

TypeScript JavaScript Docker Django

🤔 Other facts about me 🤔

  • 🐧 Marina J. Carranza | 21 | she/her
  • 🔭 I’m currently studying Computer Science in the University of Granada (UGR)
  • 💬 Languages I know: Spanish (native), English (proficient/Cambridge C2), Chinese (beginner/HSK 2)...
  • 🎯 My current goal is to finish my university studies
  • 🏁 My long-term goal is to become a competent computer engineer and travel around the world!
  • 📫 How to reach me: @marinajcs (Telegram)

📊 Some statistics 📊

Anurag's GitHub stats

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