Venus on volcanoes

Download the data from Volcanoes on Venus Dataset: and put it under data. Unpack and run

Install dependencies

python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Keras / TF v2 issues with device selection

If there are device issues with tf v2 (experimental_device etc.) when using a CPU (or maybe even a GPU), go to

keras > backend >

and replace _get_available_gpus() with:

def _get_available_gpus():
    """Get a list of available gpu devices (formatted as strings).

    # Returns
        A list of available GPU devices.
    global _LOCAL_DEVICES
    if _LOCAL_DEVICES is None:
        if _is_tf_1():
            devices = get_session().list_devices()
            _LOCAL_DEVICES = [ for x in devices]
            devices = tf.config.list_logical_devices()
            _LOCAL_DEVICES = [ for x in devices]
    return [x for x in _LOCAL_DEVICES if 'device:gpu' in x.lower()]