
Google Spreadsheets rendered in Ember.js using Google OAuth 2.0 in Scala Play 2.4

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Scala Play OAuth 2.0 Google Ember.js Ember-CLI Liquid Fire

This repository is meant to be an example of a few features and packages I find useful and interesting. Within it you will find a single page web application that demonstrates the following:

  • Implicits values, higher order functions, and Options for cleaner and safer code.
  • Utilizing Java packages in Scala with Java interoperability.
  • Google OAuth 2.0 in Scala Play.
  • Scala wrapper for the GoogleSpreadsheet API.
  • ES6 features and syntax.
  • Ember-CLI automated rebuild into a Scala application.
  • Liquid Fire data bindings.
  • WOW.js / Animate.css transitions.


  • Install Activator: https://www.playframework.com/download.

  • Install Ember CLI: http://ember-cli.com/ (optional)

  • Go your Google Developers Console: https://console.developers.google.com/project.

  • Create a new project.

  • Go to that project's dashboard.

  • Go to 'Use Google APIs' or the API Manager.

  • Go to Drive.

  • Enable the Drive API.

  • Go to the Credentials page in the API Manager.

  • Go to your project.

  • Add your JavaScript origins (if you're doing this locally: http://localhost:9000).

  • Add a redirect URL (if you're doing this locally: http://localhost:9000/authenticate).

  • Save and download the credentials as JSON.

  • Add the credentials object to your configuration file, and make sure to name the key as it is below:

     # conf/application.conf
     google-oauth-2 : {
       web : {
         client_id     : "YOUR VALUE",
         auth_uri      : "YOUR VALUE",
         token_uri     : "YOUR VALUE",
         auth_provider_x509_cert_url : "YOUR VALUE",
         client_secret : "YOUR VALUE",
         redirect_uris : [
           "YOUR VALUE"
         javascript_origins : [
           "YOUR VALUE"

Once you have Ember CLI and Activator installed, run the application:

    activator run
    cd ember/oauth-google-ember/
    npm install
    bower install (press the third option if it gives you trouble on the packages)
    ember server

At this point both the Activator and Ember CLI servers are running, so any source changes in either will result in an automatic rebuild.

If you get a error regarding FSEventStream, quit any IDE's or Text Editors you have open, shut down the servers, and then run

~ run
cd ember/oauth-google-ember/
ember server

# visit localhost:9000


The Scala SpecHelper needs a TEST_REFRESH System ENV variable for testing all the end points as well as a TEST_WORKSHEET and TEST_WORKBOOK ids as System ENV variables. If you don't have those variables some of the tests won't pass since their testing actual data. To run the Scala tests:

activator test

To run the ember tests:

cd ember/oauth-google-ember/
ember test

Thanks for checking it out!