
Add Teuthida to squid

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Add Teuthida to squid in line 153

Also add to line 196

Already reflected in line 202

- **Squids**: `Order %in% c("Myopsida","Oegopsida")`

Suggested modifications to taxonomic groups from Doug:

  • I might be Ok having forams folded into our catch all other (i.e. I presume NA category). they are such low spp diversity. i don't think they are in the mapper now to visualize
  • what do we think about adding the squid back into the "non-squid cephalopods". I assume the squid are in NA. But I don't know by what logic we wouldn't want them with the rest of the cephalopods
  • lets change name of "coastal fishes" to "bony fishes" - then in definition in text we can just identify this as "bony fishes exclusive of the tuna and billfishes" as is already defined in text
bbest commented

Teuthida → Squids

Removing/skipping inclusion of Teuthida in Non-squid cephalopods:

  • - "Teuthida"

    - **Non-squid cephalopods**: `Class == "Cephalopoda" & !Order %in% c("Myopsida","Oegopsida","Teuthida")`

  • same

    Class == "Cephalopoda" & !Order %in% c("Myopsida","Oegopsida") ~ "Non-squid cephalopods",

Keeping/adding Teuthida in Squids:

Coastal fishes → Bony fishes