
First you need to install some dependencies

> sudo dnf copr enable atim/lazygit -y
> sudo dnf install lazygit git-delta -y
> sudo dnf install -y python3-pip ripgrep
> sudo dnf install -y rust cargo
> cargo install stylua
> ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/stylua ~/.local/bin/stylua

for better experience with lazygit you need to setup the git config, to use delta as pager, include the following lines on ~/.gitconfig

    pager = delta
    diffFilter = delta --color-only --side-by-side --line-numbers --paging
    style = diff3

also you need to install this python3 package for python autocompletion

> pip3 install --upgrade pynvim jedi pyperclip debugpy

to work with go you will also need to install golang

> sudo dnf install -y golang delve

and install libs to help

> go install
> go install

after that its necessary to install neovim on fedora is just run the following command you can also download the appimage from the official site

> sudo dnf install -y neovim

after install neovim you need to install vim-plug to install the plugins automagically

> sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

after install the vim-plug replace the current init.vim on ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

> git clone ~/.config/nvim

Nerd fonts to correct the icons on the dap