
Watch and Build

cargo watch -x "build"

Watch and Test

cargo watch -x "test"

Using in a Godot 4.x project

  1. Copy isometric_3d_toolkit.gdextension.template as just isometric_3d_toolkit.gdextention (or another name as you prefer) into the Godot project root folder.
  2. Update file paths in isometric_3d_toolkit.gdextention. If you placed this folder (where is located) inside the addons folder of the Godot project, you don't have to modify them.


Current platform

cargo build

Multiple and Cross platforms

Preparing on Windows

  1. Instal WSL 2+
  2. Install Podman or Docker
  3. Install cargo install cross
  4. Install platform targets:
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


Podman or Docker must be running

cross build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
