
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np

Data for the planets

planets = [ {"name": "Mercury", "distance_from_sun": 57.9, "diameter": 4879, "orbital_period": 88}, {"name": "Venus", "distance_from_sun": 108.2, "diameter": 12104, "orbital_period": 225}, {"name": "Earth", "distance_from_sun": 149.6, "diameter": 12742, "orbital_period": 365.25}, {"name": "Mars", "distance_from_sun": 227.9, "diameter": 6779, "orbital_period": 687}, {"name": "Jupiter", "distance_from_sun": 778.3, "diameter": 139820, "orbital_period": 4331}, {"name": "Saturn", "distance_from_sun": 1427, "diameter": 116460, "orbital_period": 10747}, {"name": "Uranus", "distance_from_sun": 2871, "diameter": 50724, "orbital_period": 30589}, {"name": "Neptune", "distance_from_sun": 4495, "diameter": 49244, "orbital_period": 59800} ]

Function to plot the solar system

def plot_solar_system(planets): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim(-5000, 5000) ax.set_ylim(-5000, 5000)

# Plotting the orbits and planets
for planet in planets:
    orbit = plt.Circle((0, 0), planet["distance_from_sun"], color='gray', fill=False)
    ax.plot(planet["distance_from_sun"], 0, 'o', label=planet["name"])
    ax.text(planet["distance_from_sun"], 0, f' {planet["name"]}', verticalalignment='center')

plt.title('Solar System')
plt.xlabel('Distance from Sun (million km)')
plt.ylabel('Distance from Sun (million km)')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

Display planetary data

for planet in planets: print(f"Planet: {planet['name']}") print(f" Distance from Sun: {planet['distance_from_sun']} million km") print(f" Diameter: {planet['diameter']} km") print(f" Orbital Period: {planet['orbital_period']} days") print()

Plot the solar system
