
GraphQL server demo. List of likeable properties 🏡🏢 with interested contacts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GraphQL properties server demo 🏡🏢

This is a very simple graphql server that is going to be used in my CocoaHeads SP talk about, you know, GraphQL on iOS.
It exposes a property list query which provides property data, including interested contacts. It's also possible to like the properties using a mutation.

How to run

clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:marinofelipe/graphql-properties-server.git

open the terminal and

open the folder cd ~/graphql-properties-server

run the server node server.js


By default the server runs at localhost's 4000 port

How to use

Open http://localhost:4000/ and play with it 🕹 on the playground

The playground also contains information about the schema and the docs.

iOS app

You should also see the iOS project that consumes this server using Apollo-iOS 🚀