
All my configurations. Take a look! :blush:

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


All my dot files

Deeper dive into emacs and/or vim

Quick Start

  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/marinov98/dotfiles.git
  • cd into it cd dotfiles/
  • sudo chmod +x configure.sh && ./configure.sh


  • WARNING: the scripts require an update and may not be reliable just use any commands you see in them if you find them useful
  • 2 options (Make sure to make the scripts executable with sudo chmod +x SCRIPT
    • pick a one of the Os-specfic scripts ./OS-SCRIPT-GOES-HERE

Shell script for Arch and Arch-based distros using the pacman package manager:

Shell script for Ubuntu using apt package manager:

Shell script for Mac:

Shell script for Windows:

NOTE: all shell scripts EXCEPT the Windows one run configure.sh