
Thermopylae framework repository

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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  1. About The Project
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About The Project


Thermopylae is a web security framework written in TypeScript for NodeJS platform.
It provides a collection of reusable components needed for implementation of authentication and user session management.


  • NodeJS >= v16


Thermopylae contains a set of packages which can be used standalone and independently of each other, as they encapsulate specific features. Nevertheless, most often you will use a combination of them in order to achieve your goal.

Packages are grouped in 2 categories:

  • Library packages (lib. prefix) encapsulate the low level core logic for specific features (e.g. authentication, session, cache), are highly configurable and use abstractions for data storages, algorithms etc.
  • Core packages (core. prefix) are using libraries in order to implement higher level features, usually they are http bound, and also provides default implementations for abstractions required by libraries.


All packages are available on npm repository and can be installed with your favourite package manager. Example:

npm i @thermopylae/lib.authentication


👤 Rusu Marin