
SuperMarket API and items storage.

Inspiration(original idea)

Our original idea was to create an application where the user was able to create a list of commonly use products on any type of reunions with his friends via facebook or any other social network with the purpose of facilitating the process of organizing a party,reunion or any other type of event. The app was supposed to allow the user to create a list of products he or she might need for an event and share it with the people attending this event assigning each person a an item or items so everyone ends up pitching in the same amount of money. the app would also compare the price of the same item in several stores and supermarkets therefore helping the users to decide where is best for him to buy the item.

Finding a better solution

After spending time trying to develop the app we saw the bigger picture and decided to change our solution to better one that can help more people not only the users of the app.

New Solution

The new solution is to create a new open source API that that provides public methods that search and compare supermarket products. This api will allow whoever uses it to compare a vast majority of products on different supermarket therefore allowing the user to use the api for developing purposes.