
:earth_africa: Mapping

MIT LicenseMIT


Table of contents:

Software installation

Mac OS X

export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH

To test your installation, run the terminal command gdalinfo --version

QGIS Plugins

  • SimpleSvg
  • TileLayer Plugin
  • Table Manager

Getting started



Is a language for map design and it is similiar in syntax to CSS, but builds upon it with specific abilities to filter map data and by providing things like variables.

Carto, aka CartoCSS, targets the Mapnik renderer and is able to generate Mapnik XML.

Carto is an evolution of the Cascadenik idea and language, with an emphasis on speed and flexibility.


When we had the baselayer ready, it's time to play with data. To add our custom data to the world, we need a javascript library.


Mapbox.js is a web mapping library that extends the popular Leaflet.js library. A web mapping library allows you to add a map to a web page and define its basemap tiles, its data, and a variety of functionality. Think of it like a toolbox filled with many different map-making tools that can be used together to build beautiful and interactive custom experiences.


Web utils



Layer used as background that contains the info of the world (terrain, streets, roads).


Layer that overlays the baselayer with custom info.

Tile layer

Square bitmap graphics displayed in a grid arrangement to show a map.


Features is a term used to describe markers, lines and polygons.


Format for encoding collections of geographic data structures (features) using JSON.


Geospatial vector data format for geographic information system (GIS).


XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization.


Projections are methods of transforming the coordinates of locations on earth to a two-dimensional plane. Web Mercator is adopted by the vast majority of web maps.


A TIF is a file format for saving raster images. TIF is often a GeoTIFF, meaning the file is embedded with georeferencing information.

Raster data

Rasters are a pixel-based data format that represent surfaces. Digital photographs are stored in this format, which is also referred to as a bitmap.

Vector data

Vector data is made of points, lines and polygons. KML, GeoJSON, shapefiles, GPX are all examples of vector data formats.


A geographic information system, you know.


MIT © capua