
Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Atlas+Parse Header

Layer + Parse iOS Example

This repository contains an example project that demonstrates how to implement an iOS chat application with messaging services provided by Layer, user interface components from Atlas and a user backend provided by Parse.

Atlas+Parse Image


This application requires Xcode and the iOS SDK v8.0. Dependencies are managed via CocoaPods to simplify installation.


  1. Clone the project from Github: $ git clone https://github.com/layerhq/Layer-Parse-iOS-Example.git
  2. Install the dependencies in the root directory via CocoaPods: $ pod install
  3. Open Layer-Parse-iOS-Example.xcworkspace in Xcode.
  4. Replace LayerAppIDString , ParseAppIDString , and ParseClientKeyString in AppDelegate.m with your Layer and Parse credentials.
  5. Add the Layer Parse Module to your Parse Cloud Code to serve as an authentication manager.
  6. (Recommended) If you want test users, import the User.json file found under Supporting Files from the XCode project into your User class on Parse.
  7. Build and run the application on your Simulator to create a new user and begin messaging!

For more in-depth documentation about this project, check our guide.

Atlas+Parse Gif


  • Uses ParseUI to authenticate and create new users.
  • Demonstrates how to get identity tokens from Parse Cloud Code using the Layer Parse Cloud Module
  • Uses Atlas, Layer's UI components


In order to populate the sample app with content, you must configure the following variable inside AppDelegate.m:

  • LayerAppIDString: The Layer application identifier for your application.
  • ParseAppIDString: Your Parse App ID.
  • ParseClientKeyString: Your Parse Client Key.


This project was lovingly crafted in San Francisco. At Layer, we are building the full-stack building block for communications. We value, support, and create works of Open Source engineering excellence.

Swift port

Programming in Swift? Check out kwkhaw's port to Swift.


Layer-Parse-iOS-Example is available under the Apache 2 License. See the LICENSE file for more info.