
215 Weather Themed Icons for React Native http://weathericons.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Weather Icons

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After searching for weather icons, I found a great font called Weather Icons but the problem was that I couldn't use it with React Native. Then the solution was install the component react-native-vector-icons and create a custom font with Weather Icons.

You have to install react-native-vector-icons first.

How to install Weather Icons

  • git clone https://github.com/mariodev12/react-native-weather-icons.git
  • create a folder inside your project and put inside selection.json and weatherIcon files
  • open your app on Xcode and add manualy icomoon.ttf font.
  • Inside your project import weatherIcon.js where you need to add a Icon.
  • Use it like this:
<Icon name="wi-day-sunny"/>


If you have errors like unrecognized font family can be fixed with the following:

  • Shutdown your react native app and restart it.
  • Open Xcode and go to Product->Clean Build Folder and Build
  • Check if inside info.plist, fonts provided by application is icomoon.ttf referenced
  • Use react-native link again.