Trailblazing Pro

As an avid Salesforce enthuastist, I want to create a place where we can share posts, vote and comment all things Salesforce. Let's grow together and continue to spread the well-known Ohana culture here!

Visit the Heroku-based* website: Trailblazing Pro

*This is made possible with Heroku with JASWSDB MySQL add-on installed.

Tip: install these packages via terminal in the root directory to be able to use this application:

npm init

npm i --save mysql2

npm i dotenv --save

npm i bcrypt

npm i express

npm i express-handlebars

npm i express-session

npm i sequelize

npm i connect-session-sequelize

Want to install all at once?
npm init -y first then enter the next code: npm i mysql2 dotenv bcrypt express express-handlebars express-session sequelize connect-session-sequelize

Then update the package.json file with: "start": "node server.js"

Using the program

Make sure to follow the instructions below to use the database:

  1. In the terminal in the root directory, start MySQL: mysql -u root -p and enter your MySQL password
  2. Create database tables: source db/schema.sql
  3. Quit MySQL: quit
  4. Seed tables with data: npm run seed
  5. Start the program: node server.js
  6. Use Insomnia Core App and "http://localhost:3001" and have fun playing around with it!