
Merge Mock - testing tool for the Ethereum Merge

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Experimental debug tooling, mocking the execution engine and consensus node for testing.

Quick Start

To get started, build mergemock and download the genesis.json.

$ go build . mergemock
$ wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lightclient/799c727e826483a2804fc5013d0d3e3d/raw/2e8824fa8d9d9b040f351b86b75c66868fb9b115/genesis.json
$ ./mergemock engine
$ ./mergemock consensus --slot-time=4s



$ mergemock engine --help

Run a mock Execution Engine.

  --slots-per-epoch           Slots per epoch (default: 0) (type: uint64)
  --datadir                   Directory to store execution chain data (empty for in-memory data) (type: string)
  --genesis                   Genesis execution-config file (default: genesis.json) (type: string)
  --listen-addr               Address to bind RPC HTTP server to (default: (type: string)
  --ws-addr                   Address to serve /ws endpoint on for websocket JSON-RPC (default: (type: string)
  --cors                      List of allowable origins (CORS http header) (default: *) (type: stringSlice)

# log
Change logger configuration

  --log.level                 Log level: trace, debug, info, warn/warning, error, fatal, panic. Capitals are accepted too. (default: info) (type: string)
  --log.color                 Color the log output. Defaults to true if terminal is detected. (default: true) (type: bool)
  --log.format                Format the log output. Supported formats: 'text', 'json' (default: text) (type: string)
  --log.timestamps            Timestamp format in logging. Empty disables timestamps. (default: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00) (type: string)

# trace
Tracing options

  --trace.enable              enable tracing (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.enable-memory       enable memory capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.disable-stack       disable stack capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.disable-storage     disable storage capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.enable-return-data  enable return data capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.debug               print output during capture end (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.limit               maximum length of output, but zero means unlimited (default: 0) (type: int)

# timeout
Configure timeouts of the HTTP servers

  --timeout.read              Timeout for body reads. None if 0. (default: 30s) (type: duration)
  --timeout.read-header       Timeout for header reads. None if 0. (default: 10s) (type: duration)
  --timeout.write             Timeout for writes. None if 0. (default: 30s) (type: duration)
  --timeout.idle              Timeout to disconnect idle client connections. None if 0. (default: 5m0s) (type: duration)


$ mergemock consensus --help

Run a mock Consensus client.

  --beacon-genesis-time       Beacon genesis time (default: 1636595652) (type: uint64)
  --slot-time                 Time per slot (default: 12s) (type: duration)
  --slots-per-epoch           Slots per epoch (default: 32) (type: uint64)
  --engine                    Address of Engine JSON-RPC endpoint to use (default: (type: string)
  --datadir                   Directory to store execution chain data (empty for in-memory data) (type: string)
  --ethashdir                 Directory to store ethash data (type: string)
  --genesis                   Genesis execution-config file (default: genesis.json) (type: string)
  --node                      Enode of execution client, required to insert pre-merge blocks. (type: string)
  --ttd                       The terminal total difficulty for the merge (default: 0) (type: uint64)
  --rng                       seed the RNG with an integer number (default: 1234) (type: RNG)
  --reorg-max-depth           Max depth of a chain reorg (default: 64) (type: uint64)

# freq
Modify frequencies of certain behavior

  --freq.gap                  How often an execution block is missing (default: 0.05) (type: float64)
  --freq.proposal             How often the engine gets to propose a block (default: 0.5) (type: float64)
  --freq.ignore               How often the payload produced by the engine does not become canonical (default: 0.1) (type: float64)
  --freq.finality             How often an epoch succeeds to finalize (default: 0.1) (type: float64)
  --freq.reorg                Frequency of chain reorgs (default: 0.05) (type: float64)

# log
Change logger configuration

  --log.level                 Log level: trace, debug, info, warn/warning, error, fatal, panic. Capitals are accepted too. (default: info) (type: string)
  --log.color                 Color the log output. Defaults to true if terminal is detected. (default: true) (type: bool)
  --log.format                Format the log output. Supported formats: 'text', 'json' (default: text) (type: string)
  --log.timestamps            Timestamp format in logging. Empty disables timestamps. (default: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00) (type: string)

# trace
Tracing options

  --trace.enable              enable tracing (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.enable-memory       enable memory capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.disable-stack       disable stack capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.disable-storage     disable storage capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.enable-return-data  enable return data capture (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.debug               print output during capture end (default: false) (type: bool)
  --trace.limit               maximum length of output, but zero means unlimited (default: 0) (type: int)


MIT, see LICENSE file.